They are best used in containers as interior plants but you can bring them outdoors in summer. I think my Zebra haworthia is rotting. Brown tips on Haworthia? It is characterized by its architectural structure, typically solitary columns which form in layers, though this can differ widely between varieties. Watering. Posted by 3 years ago. It may also be because water has entered the rosette of the plant, causing the rosette of the plant to rot. I got him when the tips of his leaves were drying already and had to repot him because his old pot when horrible. Hi Stark, and welcome to the forum. Common problem: Haworthia turning brown. I can see from the pic that the plant is potted in peat. Haworthia, the adorable “polka-dotted” succulent, is one very easy to plant to care for. The plant has rosette-shaped leaves with rounded, blunt or pointed tips. I would recommend that you repot it and your other plants into a much faster draining potting medium. Some haworthia plants have green leaves, while others have reddish-brown … His new pot has drainage holes, but I'm really concerned because his leaves on the bottom are turning brown and drying out, and the centre leaves are starting to slowly turn brown. 3. Growing Haworthia is easy and fun! Haworthia cymbiformis - Light green clustered rosettes. Archived. This is often because the plant has been given too much water, causing the roots to rot, and therefore the leaves turn brown. Close. It’s best to use the “soak and dry” method, and allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings.. Where to Plant. As there are more than 80 Haworthia species, we are going to help you with some of the best Types of Haworthia! What goes wrong most often with Haworthia is brown leaves. The genus Haworthia includes more than 70 species of small succulent plants from Southern Africa, generally with fleshy leaves formed into a rosette. The Haworthia is a miniature succulent native to South Africa, and is one of the easiest houseplants to care for. Some species have a white band along the edge of the leaf and others have red tips. While cacti are native to sunny, dry climates, they do prefer lots of shade making them ideal for windowsills or table settings indoors. Know all about the various Types of Haworthia, so you don’t get confused when you plant one!. This typically only applies to plants left outdoors or on a porch. Haworthia is a beautiful succulent with thick fleshy leaves that can be see-through or translucent, depending on the cultivar. SYMPTOM: Brown or red leaf tips. It’s similar to the beloved aloe vera plant, but has a little more personality. Brown tips on Haworthia? There are over 80 species of haworthia, and the plants can grow up to 6 inches high, depending on the variety. Individual leaves may have pointed, blunt or rounded tips. Succulents Sun Damage (Plant Turning Brown) The most common reason for succulents having brown spots, edges, or leaves is sun damage. Haworthia fasciata “Zebra Plant” has typical watering needs for a succulent. Occasionally, tall wiry stalks will emerge from most Haworthia species, and charm with their sprays of pale pink or white and green striped bloom. here you can see why it's best to water with rain water, as the calcium in my well water will mark the foliage. Haworthia care, no matter the species, is easy and minimal. Haworthia Henri Duval 1809 Named for: Adrian H. Haworth (1768-1833), English botanist. So I hadn't really noticed this until I just came across a picture of my haworthia from a couple months ago, but it looks like its tips have been browning pretty noticeably and I'm wondering if anyone might know 1) why that is and 2) how to counteract it? You have a tough little plant in that haworthia, and I wouldn't worry too much about the brown tips.