For example, when you execute the simple T-SQL SELECT * FROM sys.databases to get all databases on the current SQL Server instance, the results look better somehow rotated. The properties of each database are listed vertically instead of horizontally. In the solution, getting the data is accomplished in DataAccess.cs. One of the options included the use of a PIVOT relational operator. In SQL Server 2017, there is a new instance level setting named clr strict security. However, sometimes the nat… This involves turning columns into rows by, in effect, transposing the two coordinates. There are many situations in which the results of a query look better when they are rotated. I like Phil Factor’s articles. There are many situations in which the results of a query look better when they are rotated. In this article, I will show you how to accomplish this task by introducing a SQLCLR stored procedure MATRIX.Transposing that does all the magic with rotation. When you transpose the original data and produce another table, the code must send the results. What to show in the new columnsThe value in the new columns must be an aggregate. [Total S. & Cent. A row represents an entity, and a column an attribute of an entity. Help is available at any point by executing. This makes switching rows to columns easy. There is, of course, a lot of difference between a pivot and a transpose because columns in a SQL Table represent the discrete values of entities, not values in a range. SendResultRow, as the name implies, sends a single row of data back to the client. The most interesting thing here is the so-called context connection. To run Phil’s solution, you must be running at least SQL Server 2016 version and make sure that the database is in 130 compatibility mode. The first column is named Key, and the others are Value, Value1, and so on. T-SQL does not have an easy way to transpose a row and a column. Apply ROW_NUMBER() function over this column. In this spot, I have to make a small digression and describe the term of an application domain. (2917, 2928, 3063, 3236, 3315, 3486, 3413, 3579, 3678, 3763, 3888), (24569, 25157, 26035, 25900, 26244, 27954, 28893, 30001, 30588, 31119, 32444). ) To transpose table ‘Person.Person’ which has about 20K records, you will get the warning like in the image below. If you notice, Marketing has got two rows, one for each of the employee’s within that department, and the same is the case for Research and Development and Accounting and Finance. Oracle Database 11g introduced the pivot operator. (NOTE: The column is name.). Open Setup.sql in SSMS, just press F5, and the solution is deployed. You can see the post-deployment script in the listing below. All code connected with transposing the DataTable is located in TableManipulation.cs. The generic header is displayed, highlighted with yellow in the image above. The answers/resolutions are collected from stackoverflow, are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. --    ,@tableName = N'MATRIX.PERMANENT'; An Easier Way of Pivoting Data in SQL Server, Creating Templates with Liquid in ASP.NET Core, Cross-origin resource sharing for cross-site cookie-based authentication, An Easier Way of Transposing Query Result in SQL Server, Copyright 1999 - 2020 Red Gate Software Ltd. Place a pivot clause containing these items after the table name, like so:So to c… Furthermore, the results could be saved into a temporary table or permanent table as is shown in the listing below. Thanks, Jay !-------, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 'CREATE ASYMMETRIC KEY [askTransposingMatrix]', FROM ASYMMETRIC KEY askTransposingMatrix', GRANT UNSAFE ASSEMBLY TO [loginTransposingMatrix];', --remember that these are the column names of the original table. Yes, you can use a cursor or maybe you can accomplish this task by using an XML transformation. Execute the T-SQL script in the listing below. Also, to conclude the part of sending the result back to the client, SqlDataRecord represents a single row of data and its metadata. Notice the result of the second query is equal to the result of the first query. Execute the T-SQL displayed in the listing below. After transposing (executing the query from the listing above ), you will get the results as shown in the image below. (NOTE: To run it, you must install objects from his article.). Query or stored procedure, which result we will transpose. In the solution, there are several T-SQL scripts. In the second case, the header is formed based on database ID. The latest one, An Easier Way of Pivoting Data in SQL Server, inspired me to start exploring another option to transpose a result from a query. In either case, you will need to modify the @Path and @Password variables for your environment. Yes, the @Query parameter is the query whose results we would like to transpose. Step 1: Create the test table. The result of SELECT * FROM sys.databases is displayed in the image below. Of course, there is the PIVOT statement, but it doesn’t quite accomplish the task. Finally, take a look at the @rco parameter. It’s easy to transform the DataTable object as shown in the listing below. The name values now become the column names. This solution is limited to 1000. In the solution, there are some interesting tests which are located in the Test.sql file. SQLCLR uses application domains to isolate execution of .NET code on a per database and per assembly owner basis. Converting columns into rows in SQL Server is not a new thing, we often face this kind of scenarios. You can notice in the image below that in the first case the header is formed based on the database name. For example, count, sum, min, etc. In our case column [countryName] has common values- see the image for this Step 4: Once you have found the column name containing same value . I need to convert this report into one which has a single row for each order. in our case column [countryName] is containing same value so data will be partitioned by this column- see the imag… WHERE SalesOrderId >= @salesId1 AND SalesOrderId <= @salesId2; '@salesId1 int=43665,@salesId2 int=43671', --EXEC MATRIX.TRANSPOSING @query = 'SELECT * FROM sys.databases'. In this article. That is not what T-SQL is designed for. Many thanks for all the high quality answers. You can see the result in the image below. However, to accomplish such a task of transposing without aggregation, you have to process your results row by row. In order to get the same result as in Phil’s example, you must call the MATRIX.Transposing stored procedure as shown in the listing bellow. Phil’s articles are not just educational but also inspiring. America],[Total Europe & Eurasia], [Total Middle East],[Total Africa],[Total Asia Pacific]'. If you woul like to clean up your environment after playing with this solution, there is a script for this purpose, located in Setup directory as well as in the attachment of the article. If you specify @keyValueOption to 1 and submit @ColumnMapping as NULL, the result is shown in the image below. Therefore, to use this solution as a whole, I included support for signing the assembly by using the asymmetric key. The solution works fine on SQL Server 2005+. You can see that the @Query parameter is the only one that does not have a default value. To use this you need three things: 1. This class cannot be inherited. For those who are new to .NET, a Dataset should be considered as a table collection. Rolling up data from multiple rows into a single row may be necessary for concatenating data, reporting, exchanging data between systems and more. Although SQLCLR seems to be a second-class citizen on SQL Server, there are situations when could replace T-SQL. However, we are all faced with data in a table format such as an Excel PivotTable or a tabular report that … A Microsoft certified DBA on SQL Server 2000, and Microsoft certified System Engineer on Windows Server 2000, Darko has been working on various business applications as a .NET developer since 2002. It returns each product on a new row, so orders with multiple products have multiple rows, 5 products max. SQL  Apr 18, 2014 Apr 18, 2014 / By Mohamed El-Qassas / Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2012 / Convert Rows to columns using 'Pivot' in SQL Server when columns are string data type, convert the structure of the table data into a PIVOT, Pivot table without using Aggregiate function, Pivot with out aggregate, ROW_NUMBER() OVER. Without Phil, I would never start investigating how to do transposing the query result. It means that you can use the solution starting with SQL Server 2005! The mandatory requirement of the operator is that you must supply the aggregate function with only a numeric data type. It uses an almost classic ADO.NET approach. SSMS performs well when displaying standard T-SQL stored procedure parameters. SqlPipe allows managed stored procedures running in process in a SQL Server database to return results to the caller. Get the latest news and training with the monthly Redgate UpdateSign up, 'D:\VS2017_PROJECTS\TransposingMatrix\TransposingMatrix\' with your path, --!Replace password with more appropriate for your situation.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Copyright ©document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); All Rights Reserved, Create log file with date and time in batch script, How to declare global variable in objective-c, How to call base class method from derived class in Java, Lodash merge array of objects into one object. The examples in this article will use the AdventureWorks2014 database. To explain the rest of the parameters, let us take the Phil example. Applies to: SQL Server (all supported versions) Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Azure Synapse Analytics Parallel Data Warehouse You can use the PIVOT and UNPIVOT relational operators to change a table-valued expression into another table.PIVOT rotates a table-valued expression by turning the unique values from one column in the expression into multiple … Therefore, if you would like to transpose the results of your query, you will run a query like that in the listing below once the solution is in place. The solution source code can be found on GitHub here. According to Microsoft documentation, the context connection allows you to execute T-SQL statements in the same context that was used when your code was invoked in the first place. Transposing data does not involve aggregations. There is a maximum number of columns that you can have per SQL Server table; it could be up to 30000 columns. For those who do not want to play with .NET source code, there is a ZIP file in the attachment of the article. The stored procedure takes several parameters. However, you might get data in SQL Server form a matrix from other systems, and meet the need to transpose it. SendResultStart marks the beginning of a result set to be sent back to the client and uses the record parameter to construct the metadata that describes the result set. To obtain the context connection, you must use the context connection string keyword. The whole task is accomplished by utilizing the SqlPipe class. In my opinion, it is a bug in SSMS. The result is shown in the image below. The XML option to transposing rows into columns is basically an optimal version of the PIVOT in that it addresses the dynamic column limitation. I want to dynamically convert rows into columns. I have a CTE with the name T which holdS dates like: UserId tempStoredDate-----3 2012-12-01 5 2012-12-02 1 2012-12-03 4 2012-12-04 7 2012-12-05 I have a Employee table: (EMP_ID INT P.K, EMP_NAME VARCHAR(50)) I have an Attendance table which holds attendance dates marked by employees: (DetailsId int P.K, EMP_ID F.K, … Another possibility, as you might guess, is to use .NET. So, let us get back to the main topic. There is an option with pivoting which includes aggregation and only moves the values from one column to column headings. (6576, 6711, 6935, 7440, 7855, 8201, 8455, 8770, 9011, 9353, 9570). For the demonstration, we will use the production.products and production.categories tables from the sample database: The following query finds the number of products for each product category: Here is the output: Our goal is to turn the category names from the first column of the output into multiple columns and count the number of products for each category name as the following picture: In addition, we can add the model year to group the category by model year as shown in the following output: I wrote maybe because, to be honest, I never tested such possibilities. In the article, I showed you how to use SQLCLR to accomplish this task. In the file, you can find two T-SQL scripts. I like Phil Factor’s articles. I am using Visual Studio 2017, but the solution works fine with Visual Studio 2013 as well. The listing below shows how to get the dataset. Similarly, there is a post-deploy script that is executed after the assembly is published. oilConsumption ([2005], [2006], [2007], [2008], [2009], [2010], [2011], [2012]. The IN clause also allows you to specify an alias for each pivot value, making it easy to generate more meaningful column names. It is worth exploring and using in solving practical problems. How to Rollup Multiple Rows into a Single Row in SQL Server. Fortnightly newsletters help sharpen your skills and keep you ahead, with articles, ebooks and opinion to keep you informed. In the first statement the @Rco value is 0 and in the second statement is 1. When a user asks for some functionality located in your assembly the first time, an application domain is created. To do this, execute the T-SQL script in the listing below. If you set @keyValueOption to 0, @columnMapping is ignored, and the result will look like the image below. Also, you can download the complete solution from GitHub and deploy the solution through Visual Studio. By default, it is turned on, and it is not recommended to turn it off. This process of loading an application domain takes time (this is a performance penalty). In the script, the table is filtered passing two parameters and the WHERE clause. The first row, from the earlier test, is now the header of our table. This setting requires strong signing assembly, and that was not the case prior SQL Server 2017 version if we marked the project as SAFE. For example, if we execute T-SQL like in the listing below. Many developers just want to ’rotate’, pivot or transpose a result as if it were a matrix. One is for deploying the solution named Setup.sql and the other is for cleaning the environment after playing with the solution named CleanUp.sql. (25119, 25002, 25109, 23860, 22957, 23518, 23330, 22926, 23365, 23418, 23644). After deploying the solution from VS or running setup.sql, your database model will be extended with a newly created stored procedure named MATRIX.Transposing (NOTE: MATRIX is the database schema). First is invoked SendResultsStart. This can be accomplished by: The solution proposed in this tip explores two SQL Server commands that can help us achieve the expected results. In my opinion, the results look better rotated if the number of columns is greater than the number of rows. So, in my opinion, there is no easy way to do it. 'SELECT SalesOrderID , salesordernumber , purchaseordernumber , OrderDate , ShipDate , SubTotal , TaxAmt , TotalDue. If the application domain is not loaded everything takes a little bit longer. It could be a permanent or temporary table name. The solution has some limitations. If you try to transpose a table with more than 1000 rows, a warning is displayed in the message window, and you get first 1000 rows transposed. If the application domain is loaded, I get the result, transpose first 1000 rows in 3 seconds. This statement queries sys.objects and sys.parameters filtering by the stored procedure name. This gives the users the ability to transpose columns from a SQL Server table easily and create reports as per the requirements. At first, you must enable CLR if not already enabled. (NOTE: To deploy to 2017, you will have to save the snk file and modify the path and password before running.). Parameter is the pivot function requires an aggregation to get it to work from,... Show in the listing below 23518, 23330, 22926, 23365, 23418 23644... Database are listed vertically instead of horizontally ), you must supply the aggregate function only!, 5 products max data and produce another table, the first the... Value is 0 and in the solution on all SQL Server this task Person.Person which. Of our table 1 and submit @ columnMapping as a whole, I would never start investigating how get... 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