Check out our wide range of indoor plants from brands you know & trust. Wax plants or hoya plants are a variety of plants that can be grown on a trellis, planters or a wire. There are two things we love deeply in life: plants and pets.The bad news is that many common plants are not safe for cats and dogs. About: Also known as Wax Plant, Hoya is a n easy to grow perennial evergreen with 200 – 300 species popular for its fragrant, star-shaped flowers. This plant is safe for children and pets, and the miniature varieties are thornless, so there's no risk of injury! Lose that mentality, as there are many plants that are safe for our 4 legged children and here is a list. While not considered 100% safe, the flowers are the main problem. Cats don't just stick to the food you provide when they feel like a snack. Wax Plant. Care info: This cat safe plant is unbelievably easy to grow indoors. All of the houseplants I have here are safe for cats, and air purifying. Buy It: Aromatic Herbs Collection, $65.00, Bloomscape. Calatheas are popular houseplants thanks to their impressive foliage. We’ll cover the 11 detoxifying plants that are safe for cats and dogs (as reported by the ASPCA, links included). Cat grass is actually any form of grass that's safe for felines to rub noses with, including barley, oat, and wheat grasses. Keep your kitty safe by choosing plants that aren't poisonous to her. ... New Zealand are open and continue to have a comprehensive range of measures in place to keep team members and customers safe. Let’s investigate some pet friendly air purifying plants. Yes. Air purifying plants that are safe for cats and dogs. This plant responds well to low-light and low watering conditions. Given the flowers drop on these plants, I would only add a hibiscus to your indoor plant collection if your pets are 100% uninterested. It’s native to Florida, the Caribbean and Mexico and thrives in bright, indirect sunlight. 23. All lilies, including safer lilies such as Calla & Japanese Peace Lilies, should be removed from homes and gardens frequented by cats. There’s a wide variety of indoor plants you can use to bring colour and life to your home explains Bunnings Greenlife buyer Katrina Gatt. These stylish indoor plants won't poison your pets, and will keep them safe. The plants natural insect repellant abilities are great to … If you go to your local pet shop, you'll likely see little trays of cat grass near the register. Visit Bunnings Warehouse New Zealand today to find your nearest store! Philodendron xanadu Growing to a metre high, philodendrons (pictured above) are common indoor plants that are tolerant of low light levels. According to the NASA Clean Air Study , these plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen (as all plants do) while eliminating significant amounts of formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, and more! Related: 20 Plants That Will Improve the Air Quality in Your Home. Indoor plants that clean the air and remove toxins are a great way to freshen things up without using harmful chemicals. If you're just starting to cultivate your green thumb, consider the areca palm, which doesn't require much care, and naturally purifies the air around it. Mine has grown rapidly after just a year. 2. The first indoor plant your kitty can consume is the African violet or Saintpaulia. Don’t let it dry out as the fronds will turn brown. Yes. Safe for children? If you can find bamboo that makes a good houseplant and will grow in a lowlight you’re good to go. Water: Keep the soil moist, but not soggy. The plant is native to India, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia. In some pets, lethargy, ataxia, muscle tremors and an elevated heart rate can occur. The Ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata) is a wonderful cat safe houseplant that looks great, and your cat will also love it. Luckily for your cat, this plant is safe for felines. Areca, Golden palm and Ponytail palms are all pet-friendly choices that thrive indoors. These 11 indoor plants are safe for pets 16 pet flower power 15 friendly houseplants cats and dogs five bunnings warehouse cat house cleaner air mind over matter jimsmowing com au climbing leaf paw that beautiful These 11 Indoor Plants Are Safe For Pets 16 Pet Safe Indoor Plants Flower Power 16 Pet Safe Indoor […] They love direct sunlight. Jade Plant (Crassula ovata) Most exposures to Jade plants in cats and dogs cause mild gastrointestinal irritation in the form of vomiting and diarrhea. This succulent is not merely non-toxic for your furry friend. They have an online tool that notes hundreds of different plants that are toxic for dogs, cats, and horses. Here are five low-maintenance houseplants that are safe for your cats and dogs. Lemongrass The plant that is appropriately named, has a fragrant citrus aroma that draws both humans and cats to it. Hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus) Many types of palms can be safely kept with pets. Pearl plant, like other plants on this list, is safe for cats and dogs. See more ideas about Plants, Cat garden, Cats. Just be sure to avoid anything with the words Sago or Cycad. Indoor plants safe enough for curious puppies and leaf-chewing cats, including the safest succulents, ferns, ivy, herbs, and palm. Spider plants are another variety that can thrive in low light while keeping your pets company. Hailing from eastern tropical Africa (hence its name) as well as southeastern Kenya, you can also grow the African violet outdoors if you felt so inclined. Safe for dogs and cats? They're also known to sprout spider plant babies, which … These Easy-to-Grow Air Purifying Houseplants are safe for dogs, cats, and kids, which makes them the perfect addition to any home! Indoor Tropical Houseplant Librar y By Cara Anderson / Plantroost. Instead of lawn, fake grass matting can offer an enticing rough surface for scratching or … Scientific name: Hoya spp. There is a houseplant commonly called the “lucky bamboo” which is not a bamboo at all. The dangling tubular flowers are a favorite of hummingbirds, with all parts of the plant being safe for cats and dogs. Both lemongrass* and cat grass are some of the best plants for cats. These are great plants to keep in your bathroom as they love humidity! Other related articles: The Benefits Of Houseplants. Ponytail palm is … Safe Houseplants for Cats Areca Palm (Dyspis lutescens) Money Plant (Pachira aquatica) Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum) Pearl Plant. Position this indoor beauty in a well-lit spot but out of direct sunlight. Place herbs in a sunny window that gets at least four or five hours of direct sunlight every day, and water when the top inch of soil is dry. This fun foliage gives calatheas the common names peacock, zebra or rattlesnake plant. Then we’ll highlight the 19 air purifying plants that happen to be toxic to cats and dogs. There are several varieties of palm that are easy to keep indoors, and won't leave your furry friends sick or feeling icky. Cats often munch on plants and grasses as well, which can pose a health hazard if your indoor plants are toxic to cats. Areca or Golden Palm. Spider Plant Areca Palm Bamboo Palm Boston Fern Pony Tail Palm Money Tree Bird Nest Fern Prayer Plant Wandering Jew Cats only. If you can’t keep them somewhere humid, then give them a little mist every day and they will be happy! Certain plants can … (If the tips go yellow or brown, then it needs more humidity.) Safe indoor plants include orchids, tillandsia, calathea, spider plants, zebra plants, echeveria, jade, kalanchoe, several species of ferns and palms, and many types of kitchen and windowsill herbs. Yikes! Aloe vera is another cat safe plant that can be grown both indoors and outdoors, as long as it gets enough sunlight. Areca Palm The rubber plant, Ficus elastic, is poisonous, but the baby or American rubber plant, Peperomia obtusifolia, is a non-toxic alternative. It is a member of the Dracaena family. 1. Here are a few cat safe options. Learn more about calatheas. 74 likes - View Post on Instagram. Boston Ferns are an iconic houseplant and also cat and dog safe plants. It’s the easiest indoor plant I’ve ever cared for, and I always get compliments about it. Bamboo plants in general are safe for cats. Unfortunately, some plants and pets don't mix, and certain types of houseplants are toxic to cats and dogs. Botanical Name: Tulista pumila. The prayer plant, or maranta leuconeura, gets its name from the way its green-and-yellow variegated leaves fold together like hands at night, similar to how your dog or cat curls up at bedtime. As an extra step of precaution, you should always check the scientific names of each plant to make sure it’s exactly what you’re looking for. suziewilliams View Profile. It’s important to remember to treat this one as a “treat”, and only let your cat enjoy it in moderation. This hardy, succulent plant, with pearl-like tubercles over its fleshy, blue-green leaves, looks stunning in any home. I have it in a large wide-mouthed vase with a bit of water and rocks, and that’s it. This is probably the trickiest plant to grow indoors, but the miniature rose is definitely worth the trouble. Fortunately, there are plenty of attractive lily alternatives that are available for cat owners. Sometimes called lady’s ear drops or earring flower, these exceptionally long bloomers can also be planted in the garden, with some varieties being hardy in many areas. Jul 8, 2020 - Explore Dharma Dog Karma Cat's board "plants for cats" on Pinterest. Although cats seem to be more sensitive to this plant than dogs, more severe symptoms are rare. You can also call the ASPCA Animal … Cats and dogs may experience gastrointestinal issues if flowers/buds are consumed. Standards like lavender and oregano are off-limits, but basil , sage, and thyme are all houseplants that are pet-friendly. The curving leaves may be a little too tempting for your kitty to avoid playing with, but your cat will be perfectly safe. Spider plant. While they are stronger than they might seem, you might want to give them additional support as it is often done with orchids. 3.