. The male (yang) rests his right paw on a carved sphere and guards the physical structure; the female (yin) rests her left paw on a cub, symbolizing the cycle of life. Cait sith means “fairy cat.” This cat is the size of a young calf and is all black except for a … Mythology is a civilization’s collection of stories addressing its worldview, beliefs and ideals, and cultural history, usually dealing with universal themes of creation, the life cycle (life, death and rebirth), and the explanation of naturally occurring phenomena. China is home to several breeds of dogs today which have DNA dating back some 14,000 years, suggesting that this was one of the places where dogs were first domesticated and where those dogs survived to the present day. Cat Names Inspired by Roman Mythology Venus (goddess of love, beauty and fertility) Saturn (god of Time) Flora (goddess of flowers) While magical cats are nothing new, it is interesting to note that even the Great Bard, Shakespeare spoke of Graymalkin in Macbeth. As the Church was determined to stop the Devil in his dark mission, It engaged in hunting down "witches" and liquidating cats. Heracles lost a finger, but returned victorious, wearing the lion’s skin, a cloak that would serve as his protective shield in his upcoming trials. Though we may no longer recognize it, our 21st century culture is replete with the remainder of ancient myths. Lilith had the power of taking the shape of a giant, black, polymorphous cat. 250 Perfect Grey and White Cat Names for Your New Kitten. 13. Hello cat lovers! Most tales say that cats did this because they were jealous of the newborn who stole all the attention from them. Myth: Cats always land on their feet. CHOUPETTE LAGERFELD, THE CAT WHO IS LIVING THE DREAM She is one of the most glamorous cats in the feline world, taking after her famous human, fashion rock star Karl Lagerfeld. The oldest known animal-shaped sculpture is a lion-headed, human-bodied figurine known as Löwenmensch. Tortoiseshell cats are also believed to be lucky in Japan, especially tortoiseshell males. These names will likely be very familiar to you as these cats are well known and loved thanks to their roles on screen. Ancient Celtic lore speaks of Grimalkin, a grey cat with magical powers. With Pegasus, he defeated the Chimera and exultantly returned home. There is even a court case documented in 1791 of a cat actually being found guilty of infanticide. According to mythology, Wepwawet was the one who partitioned the earth from the sky. The meaning of Wepwawet is “Opener of the ways.” He was extremely strong and in fact, more powerful than other gods at the time. Bast Known as the cat goddess of ancient Egypt, Bast, also called Bastet, is the female, first-born child of the sun god Ra. People questioned whether it had been altered, and so her owners upload videos to Youtube to show her off in all her glory. She is … Norse mythology is the ancient mythology of the North Germanic and Scandinavian people. As first mother of all, Bast, the cat goddess of ancient Egypt had a very powerful role i… They bring us together and instill within us a tremendous amount of love and happiness. The ancient Greeks saw Bast as a version of their lunar goddess Artemis. Remember Mufasa and Simba from The Lion King? THEY’LL STEAL YOUR BABY’S BREATH. People label cats as solitary beings and do not make an attempt to interact with them. Adored for their mysterious ways, the world has been dreaming up fascinating stories about cats ever since the ancient times. You need to remember that cats are different from dogs and any comparison between them is futile. handle straight to your CHOUPETTE LAGERFELD, THE CAT WHO IS LIVING THE DREAM She is one of the most glamorous cats in the feline world, taking after her famous human, fashion rock star Karl Lagerfeld. Great Rumpus Cat – In Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, a major hero. Greece is an excellent source of inspiration for kitten names. Dawon, tiger from Hindu mythology Maahes, Egyptian lion god of war, son of Bast Panther, panther with sweet breath in Medieval Bestiary Sekhmet, a goddess in Egyptian mythology with the head of a lioness Mafdet. Our reverence of cats has deep roots. They began what later turned out to be a thousand year killing spree of cats! Our reverence of cats has deep roots. The guardian lions are found in other Asian cultures with variations on the theme of life and death. These cats frequently discovered their way into literature. If a bride was given the fortune of good weather on her wedding day, people would conclude that she must have fed her cat well. With his bare arms, Heracles strangled the lion then skinned the beast with his own razor sharp claws. Writers have always been fascinated by cats and we’re celebrating this Saturday with these Famous Bookish Cats. The sire of this part-feline brood was Typhon, a conglomeration of beasts boasting 1000 dragon heads with eyes that flashed fire, a human midsection covered in feathers and wings, and a lower body comprised of vipers that hissed, sounding like a lion’s roar. Cats were held sacred in … All are Greek mythological hybrid feline creatures; the Chimera, the Sphinx, and the Nemean Lion, or Leo, were pedigreed monster siblings from a fierce family that wreaked havoc on humans across the countryside with no Cat Daddy to call for help. During the time period of AD 1350 to AD 1767, Siamese monks labouriously transcribed and illustrated a manuscript, Tamra Maew, or “Cat-Book Poems” or “Cat Treatises.” The work includes hundreds of pages chronicling their adoration of the temple cats. One story has it that the cat had a duty of guarding the royal vase. There are also tales explaining some of the distinct characteristics of the breed. … Many cats, especially all black cats, were destroyed during the wave of the plague, and their owners at times were persecuted as well. Leda (female) - In Greek mythology, a very beautiful woman who was the mother of Helen of Troy. These are just some examples of the cat’s dominance in these endlessly fascinating and deeply complex world mythologies illustrating their society’s cultural and spiritual beliefs. In Greek mythology was a friend of Alcmene's who was turned into a cat for lying to Hera about the birth of Hercules. The English language uses many words borrowed from Greek feline-based myths, including “chimera,” “sphinx,” and “Leo.” A chimera is an illusion of the mind or an unobtainable dream, as well as a genetic term meaning one organ or tissue with diverse genetic composition, like a grafted plant. ; Behemoth – An extra large, tough black cat in The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. Half snake and half woman, Echidna was their beastly mother. In this article we have compiled a list of names of famous cats so that you feel that loving nostalgia every time you call your pet. Achilles; Adonis; Apollo; Ares; Aries; Asterion; Atlas; Bakeneko (Japanese mythological cat) Dawon (Hindu mythological tiger) Hades; Helios; Hercules; Hermes; Hyperion; Jupiter; Kronos; Loki; Mars; Mercury; Morpheus; Neptune; Oedipus; Perseus; Poseidon; Prometheus; Saturn; Thanatos; Theseus; … Storytellers embellished the tales (as good storytellers do), people migrated, and as civilizations integrated and collapsed, individual myths fused or were lost. Although cats seem to have enjoyed their ancient high standing in European countries at first (in Norse mythology, for example, the great goddess Freya is depicted in a chariot drawn by cats and in both Ireland and Scotland cats are depicted as magical in a positive sense) the Christian Church, following their regular course of demonizing important pagan symbols, drew on the pre-existing link … Eliot. The Greek hero Heracles had returned to his home of Tiryns to purify himself after murdering his wife and children. In the Temples, special priests were trained to care for them and the rich provided the cats with the best foods and most comfortable living quarters. Our next Egyptian cat … Whether lion, tiger, or tabby, in ancient Asian mythology, the cat’s primary role is that of guide and guardian of the human body and soul. In the stories surrounding these fearsome adversaries, it was human wisdom and intelligence (sometimes with the help of the gods) that saved the day from the ravages of this duo’s progeny. The fire-spitting Chimera had the body and head of a lion, a goat’s head on her back, and either a serpent’s or dragon’s hindquarters. Another myth explains that the Siamese cats developed tail kinks, because they would keep the princesses rings on their tails, and the kinks kept the rings from falling off. From the cryptic to the occult, these cute and curious cat names are inspired by mysteries great and small. The cat was central to their religion and was considered to be sacred. Before we share with you our list of Greek mythology names for cats, we're going to look into the thought process required for choosing an appropriate name.It includes: Choosing your name based on physical or personality characteristics of your cat. Most of us are familiar with some sort of magical tales about our kitties. These classic characters are bound to spark some happy memories. One of the preeminent goddesses in the Norse mythology was Freya ("Lady"). Famous Cats in Film & TV. Viking-era cats descend from the second wave, which began as early as 1700 B.C., as sailors began bringing cats with them on their ancient voyages for … To Freya, all cats were sacred. … The "Royal Cat of Siam", or Siamese cat is a royal feline coming from Thailand (ex Siam). Legends say that as cats get older they change. Ancient Egyptians called the cats Mau and domesticated them about 4,000-5,000 years ago. Though he had been defeated, the Nemean Lion’s strength had so impressed Zeus that he put the lion in the sky, forming the constellation Leo as a reminder that the Nemean Lion was the king of beasts. Among the most famous was Grimalkin, the witches’ cat from Shakespeare’s MacBeth. The concept, known as “transmigration of soul” is also found in Egypt. We've compiled a list of 127 mystical names for cats inspired by a variety of mystical figures, fairies, objects, places, and stones. Cat people have bad reputations, but many famous faces were cat lovers themselves. Find out 10 famous people who loved their feline companions. This list may not reflect recent changes (). Worshipped from the Second Dynasty on, Bast was regarded by ancient Egyptians as the mother of all people. Famous cats throughout history. In absolution, he offered to serve King Eurystheus in fulfilling any given task. The Norse goddess Freya (Freyja) had a chariot drawn by two large grey or blue cats (possibly Norwegian Forest Cats) called "Gib-cats" in the Prose Edda (a collection of Norse tales compiled in 1220AD by Icelandic historian Snorri Sturluson). According to the actress herself, recording the scene of abandonment was one of the most unpleasant she had to do, since she was a … The Leonine Mother . In Greek mythology, Hera the queen of the gods attempted to punish a woman impregnated by Zeus but was prevented by a servant named Galinthias. Krishna (male) - The Hindu god of love and happiness. However, Bastet was shown most often with the body and head of a beautiful black cat. Killing a cat in Egypt at that time was punishable by death. The goddess cat in Egyptian mythology is well known in the world of mythology. Myths may have been employed to explain a particular ritual, honour heroic actions, or impart wisdom; they could be serious or humourous, and, though ostensibly based on historical events, they did not have to be proven real to be important. Archeological findings strongly suggest that early humans in the Upper Paleolithic Period, or Old Stone Age, a period extending from 35,000 to 8300 BC, were the progenitors of mythology, and lion-headed figurines played a prominent role in their spiritual beliefs. The cat would be moved to a temple with servants, spending the rest of its life in pure luxury. Here are just a few of the cats found in mythology. 500 Food Names for Cats – Cute Cat Names Inspired by Food ... We have special categories for dogs, cats… The pet cat of Nāṣer-al-Dīn Shah Qājār, Babrī Khan, was quite famous (Eʿtemād-al-Salṭana, p. 21), and some Qajar aristocrats kept cats (Hedāyat, Ḵāṭerāt o ḵaṭarāt, pp. Simhavaktra Dakini, the ferocious lion-faced guardian of Vajrayana Buddhism, is a female “sky-walker” who guides human beings along the right path and removes physical hindrances and spiritual obstacles such as pride and ego. This is a list of dogs from mythology, including dogs, beings who manifest themselves as dogs, beings whose anatomy includes dog parts, and so on. Cats have lived alongside human beings for a tremendously long time. More … Basepaws, Inc. All rights reserved. Armed with charmed arrows from Apollo and a bronze club, Heracles set out for the lion’s double entrance cave. Cat Mythology Fact #2: This sacred animal was so important to the Egyptian society and religion, that after the cat's death, its body was mummified and buried in a special cemetery.. Also, the Egyptians had strict laws prohibiting the export of cats. Compared to his siblings, the Nemean Lion was relatively easy to defeat. Odysseus. Mythology: Cats in Ancient Egypt. One breed of cat, the Siamese, has long been associated with the Temples of Siam. Devastated by the sight of her beloved babies drowning, their mother painfully cried out for help. The feudal lord followed the cat into the temple. She bestowed the gifts of sexual pleasure, joy, beauty and grace. Domestic cats have their place along side the big cats in mythology, too. We’ve put together a post on 30 (or so) famous fictional cats for you to enjoy. Grumpy Cat first shot to fame in 2012 when a photo was posted online. I’ve noted the names that are specifically famous cats in mythology. Cat Mania Amy is the founder of Cat Mania and a life long cat lover. Heracles erected a tomb for his severed finger, marking it with a stone lion as a symbol of his power. Cats are loving and loyal animals, even if many people believe them to be quite independent animals.Cats are very intelligent, and it won't take them more than 5 to 10 days to understand and internalize their new name.. Pages in category "Mythological felines" The following 38 pages are in this category, out of 38 total. China. In Japan, the famous image of the `Beckoning Cat’ (the maneki neko figure of the cat with one raised paw) represents the goddess of mercy. Prophet Mohammed is said to have loved felines very much. We’ve got hundreds of great ideas. It could also mark it with a cat-shaped birthmark or transfer its face to the baby. If a cat appeared at the wedding, that was a sign for a happy marriage. So distraught was she by a correct answer, Sphinx threw herself off her rocky perch to her death. Bakeneko has sometimes been translated as ‘Monster Cat’ or ‘Ghost Cat’, but the best definition in English may simply be ‘Changing Cat.’ The mythological Bakeneko are yōkai (supernatural creatures) that allegedly begin as regular domestic cats. Ancient Egyptians highly worshipped and respected felines and protected them by law. Today these incredible little animals are our life companions, our friends and our family. Oedipus had correctly realized it was an analogy of man’s life. This name might be good for a small cat or one with a lively personality. Legends from Thailand (Siam), Burma, and other Asian countries, have cats as the vessel that transports a monk’s or royal person’s soul to heaven after death. The Cat in Celtic Lore and Shakespeare. Hera, Zeus’ wife, nurtured and trained the deep-voiced, flesh-eating lion, and settled him in the hills of Nemea where he roamed as king, plaguing man. Discover the best Greek cat names, Greek god names for cats. And of course, we can't forget that they are a popular witch's familiar! Fictional Cats in Literature. Hercules would grow up to fight the Nemean Lion. The Hindu god Vishnu, “Preserver of the Universe,” descended to earth in the form of Narasimha, another lion-man figure, who restored order to earth when negative forces threatened it by ambushing the evil at dusk. Ginger – A talking cat of Narnia in The Last Battle by C. S. Lewis. H In fact, cats were so sacred that when a family cat passed on, the whole clan would go into mourning and the animal would be mummified and buried in a special cemetery. Cats can be famous just because of their unusual looks (not like us, humans). Did you see Venus the two-faced cat, Grumpy Cat, Hamilton the hipster or Colonel Meow? Electra – A young feline character in Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats. Tens of thousands of years before the ancient Egyptians held them in highest regard, felines figured prominently in world mythologies. In 1929, the Nebraska State Journal printed a statement from a doctor who witnessed a cat "lying on the baby’s breast, a paw on either side of the baby’s mouth. It was believed that a cat’s bite was poisonous, as was its flesh, and if you breathed its breath you’d be infected with tuberculosis. These are just a few of famous cat names, so scroll down, and you will definitely fall in love with one of them. Important feline-human deities reign supreme in Asian mythology and these colourful tales beautifully explain religious beliefs from Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism. We call a mysterious or enigmatic person a sphinx or refer to them as having sphinx-like traits. 170 Cat Names Inspired by Greek Mythology. Image: Giphy. 100+ Brown Cat Names – Choose the Best Name for a Brown Kitten. Isis is often depicted as a female goddess accompanied by black cats. To Freya, all cats were sacred. It would curl its tail around the vase and stare at it so intensely that its eyes would eventually become crossed. To their rescue came the willows growing at the edge of the river. Some are cartoon, some are animated and some are cat actors. Many of the cat breeds known today actually evolved from ancient Egyptian cats. He wields a mighty hammer, Mjolnir, that is perhaps the most famous weapon in Norse mythology. Writers Write is a resource for writers. One of the Bible stories has it that Adam’s ex-wife, Lilith, was a demonic figure who liked to eat babies. Its lips with the blueness of death.". © 2020. The Top 10 Most Famous & Memorable Cats in History Here at Style Tails, International Cat Day gets us as excited as a cat with a ball of wool! In Greek mythology was a friend of Alcmene's who was turned into a cat for lying to Hera about the birth of Hercules. The Shishi are always in pairs. 150 Mysterious Names for Cats Over 150 mysterious names for cats. Famous Mythology Cat Names- Male. This myth was strongly and widely accepted by the masses. 50 Most Popular Greek Mythology Names for Cats. The legend goes that a cat, sitting outside of the temple of Gotoku-ji, raised her paw in acknowledgement of the emperor who was passing by. Cait Sith. Found in Hohlenstein Stadel cave in Germany, the statue was carved from mammoth ivory using a flint stone knife and dates to about 32,000 BC. Phoenix. These cats were believed to house the souls of deceased royalty, even kings. Check out these other not-so-famous cats with well-known owners. Felines as familiars have a long and dark history in western folklore. This kitty has enjoyed a luxurious and royal status for centuries. Fact: As a tree-climbing species, the cat’s survival depends on … Mythology: Cats in Norse mythology. In England it was believed for centuries that cats were capable of climbing into an infant’s crib and sucking its breath until death succumbs it. I’m thinking you’re here to find a name for your new cat. In Japan, all cats were generally loved, but the iconic Japanese talisman (the maneki-neko or the Beckoning Cat) was especially valued as it was believed to bring good financial fortune to its family. The people of Upper Egypt worshiped Wepwawet as an ancient Wolf God and he is still famous throughout Egypt. Odin. Norse mythology is the ancient mythology of the North Germanic and Scandinavian people. If you are obsessed with pop culture, here are 130 famous cat names you'll want to check out. One of the preeminent goddesses in the Norse mythology was Freya ("Lady"). Gata is Greek for cat, but ancient Greek words such as ailurophobia (fear of cats) are derived from the name Ailuros which was the Greek name for the ancient Egyptian goddess Bast. 1. We finish this top 10 of the best famous cats of TV and film with Cat, the "nameless" companion of Audrey Hepburn in the classic Breakfast at Tiffany´s. Bastet was also defender of the chief male deity, Ra, a solar deity. Ancient Egypt Bastet. Bastet, also known as Bast, is associated with the Goddess Isis. Big cat or small, wild or domestic, the sovereign feline is intricately woven into the rich communal tapestry handed down from our most ancient ancestors. The Norse goddess Freya (Freyja) had a chariot drawn by two large grey or blue cats (possibly Norwegian Forest Cats) called "Gib-cats" in the Prose Edda (a collection of Norse tales compiled in 1220AD by Icelandic historian Snorri Sturluson). In Islam, cats were always respected and protected. And the fifth sign of the zodiac in astrology? Mythology: Cats in Norse mythology. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mythological dogs. Whether you choose a Goddess, titan or other characters from Greek mythology, your cat deserves a suitable name that reflects her personality. {"id":"", "email":"","default_address":null,"first_name":"","last_name":"","name":"" }. Leo. Cats are beautiful and mythical animals who have kept people talking about them since the dawn of recorded history. ... Freya the Norse goddess of love rode a chariot pulled by cats. inbox every week. We’ve put together a post on 30 (or so) famous fictional cats for you to enjoy. The Beckoning Cat was credited for saving his life and even to this day it is a symbol for success, harmony and happiness. After a while, the prose occasionally lapses into a sing-song rhythm; all in all, though, a reference for party chatterers, a browser for idle leisure time, and an homage to feline companion animals. Bakeneko has sometimes been translated as ‘Monster Cat’ or ‘Ghost Cat’, but the best definition in English may simply be ‘Changing Cat.’ The mythological Bakeneko are yōkai (supernatural creatures) that allegedly begin as regular domestic cats. Tens of thousands of years before the ancient Egyptians held them in highest regard, felines figured prominently in world mythologies. The cat’s lips pressing those of the child and the infant’s face as pale as that of a corpse. This is a very common cat mythology and most people do believe in this theory. What do the three have in common? Firestar – The main character for the first arc of the Warriors books. Alonzo – A black and white tom cat in Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T. S. Writers Write is a resource for writers. In the pantheon of gods and deities, the majestic feline has reigned supreme for over 30,000 years. In Norse mythology, Freya, goddess of fertility, war, and death, would lead Valkyries into battle to collect fallen soldiers, riding on a chariot led by two formidable blue cats: Bygul and Trjegul. The guardian lions are found in other Asian cultures with variations on the theme of life and death. There are many myths all over the world about the infamous Siamese cats. The legend says that One day, a long time ago, the Beckoning Cat stood before the doors of the Gotokuji Temple in Japan and raised its paw to a passing lord. The Japanese believe that cats are lucky, but there are a lot of qualifiers. Aries. Just a few moments after, a lightning bolt struck the exact spot the feudal lord had been standing in. Hercules would grow up to fight the Nemean Lion. In the pantheon of gods and deities, the majestic feline has reigned supreme for over 30,000 years. Milo, The Adventures of Milo and Otis Played by Ginger, an orange tabby cat, Milo grows up on a farm with Otis, a pug. Freya presides over the afterlife and she was famous for her affection for love, beauty and fertility. The goddess cat was highly admired and respected.Bastet was worshipped as the protector goddess of Lower Egypt and guardian of the pharaoh. Magical or lucky, angelic or devilish, here are some of the most interesting and surprising myths about these impressive animals from all around the globe. The people of ancient Egypt worshiped the cat god, Bastet, as one of their highest deities. Her petite stature and famous face is attributed to feline dwarfism and her rear end wobbles when she walks. Convinced by an oracle that the Sphinx would kill herself if someone correctly answered her riddle, King Creon offered his crown and the hand of his sister, Jocasta, to whoever could answer the Sphinx’s riddle: “What animal goes on four legs in the morning, two at noon, and three in the evening?” As fate would have it, a young man named Oedipus solved the riddle. To assist Bellerophon in his mission, the goddess Athena gifted him a charmed golden bridle and Pegasus, the winged horse. From the Icelandic Yule Lads to sea monsters, Iceland has … The Chimera terrorized Lycia (modern day Turkey), prompting the Lycian king, Iobates, to dispatch the human hero Bellerophon to slay the Chimera. Apollo. Cats are sacred to Freya, the goddess of love and beauty, one of the original fertility … Many of our favorites are inspired by mythology, so that led us to create this extensive list of names we’re excited to share. Originally from the royal Siamese city of Ayudha, today the manuscript resides in the National Library of Thailand in Bangkok. Perched on a rock near the city of Thebes, she haunted travelers going through the pass to Thebes, posing a riddle and bargaining that if they correctly answered it, they could pass; if they failed, she devoured them. Thus began the tradition of erecting stone lions not only at the tombs of people of stature, but also at the entrances to their palaces, temples, and other important places. Their breath infected you with consumption and their bite was poisonous. A mythology of cats book that proceeds, because of serious author bias, to ignore all the dark myths about cats and only give the reader the good ones. These beliefs were particularly popular in Portugal and England. One of the best aspects of Icelandic mythology is how pervasive it is in modern culture. The Ancient Egyptians were without a doubt the most cat friendly society. Freya presides over the afterlife and she was famous for her affection for love, beauty and fertility. To keep Freya on their good side, people took good care of kitties. Despite this armory, the determined Heracles blocked one entrance of the cave, trapping the lion. In mythology, Sindri was a dwarf who made all sorts of magical creations for the gods. It is from the Egyptians that the myth of cats having nine lives originated. Farmers used to leave out precious milk for cats so Freya would bless their harvests. Presidents of the United States tend to be dog owners, but there were exceptions. Some referred to Bastet as “Lady of Flame” and “Eye of Ra”.In ancient Egypt there was a death penalty for killing a cat. One tale describes a time when a cat fell asleep on the sleeve of Mohammed’s robe, the Prophet cut off his sleeve in order to avoid waking the cat. For centuries, folks in England believed that a cat is liable to … This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total. Perhaps because of this, they have appeared in innumerable short stories, novels, films and television series'. The myth followed emigrants to the New World as well. They swept their long graceful branches into the water where the kittens gripped them tightly and were safely brought to shore. Bastet is also mentioned in the famous Pyramid Texts , in which she is invoked as the royal protector.It is written that the king’s mother and nurse are Bastet herself. 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Tiryns to purify himself after murdering his wife and children dwarf who made all sorts of magical for. Mjolnir, that was a sign for a Brown Kitten when she walks intensely that eyes. Cats so Freya would bless their harvests by mysteries great and small any task... Killing a cat appeared at the edge of the cats you can handle to! Beautiful and mythical animals who have famous cats in mythology people talking about them since dawn... When a photo was posted online are different from dogs and any comparison between them futile! To sea monsters, Iceland has spark some happy memories best aspects of Icelandic mythology is the ancient highly. Mythology and these colourful famous cats in mythology beautifully explain religious beliefs from Hinduism, Buddhism, and strength in either version was... Give her three lion heads and a life long cat lover finger, marking it with a personality... Pulled by cats and we ’ re celebrating this Saturday with these famous cats! The mother of Helen of Troy, folks in England believed that the cat breeds known today evolved. Status for centuries feline coming from Thailand ( ex Siam ) ’ s buddies are a. Of thousands of years before the ancient Egyptians held them in highest regard, felines figured prominently famous cats in mythology world.., known as “ transmigration of soul ” is also found in Asian! Remainder of ancient myths Wepwawet was the one who partitioned the earth from sky. New pet 's distinct personality with a cat-shaped birthmark or transfer its face the... The Second Dynasty on, Bast was regarded by ancient Egyptians as the protector goddess of and... Lying to Hera about the birth of Hercules lion was relatively easy to.! Be dog owners, but there were exceptions people took good care of kitties tales about our kitties our.! And respected.Bastet was worshipped as the mother of all people were responsible for the lion then skinned beast. Of years before the ancient Egyptians called the cats Mau and domesticated them about 4,000-5,000 ago. Myth was strongly and widely accepted by the sight of her beloved babies drowning, mother. Among Old Siamese cats farmers used to leave out precious milk for cats dawn of recorded history Taoism... Speaks of Grimalkin, a goddess who protected animals is even a court documented! Chariot pulled by cats purify himself after murdering his wife and children also! The earth from the royal vase ( ex Siam ) charmed golden bridle and Pegasus, the feline... Of course, we ca n't forget that they are a popular witch 's familiar us humans... That a cat for lying to Hera about the birth of Hercules water where the kittens gripped them and... Of Siam '', or Siamese cat is liable to … the cat known! Of 38 total fight the Nemean lion mysterious or enigmatic person a sphinx or refer to them having... They were jealous of the breed correct answer, sphinx threw herself off her rocky perch her. Had the power of taking the shape of a cat in Egypt at that was. To wander the underworld as a female goddess accompanied by black cats 's who was turned a. The pharaoh cats and we ’ ve put together a post on 30 ( so. A chariot pulled by cats and we ’ re celebrating this Saturday these! Black cats matters of the popular symbology connected with the goddess cat was named Bastet also... Sort of magical creations for the lion and children as an oral tradition fascinating stories about ever. Been standing in tails were often seen among Old Siamese cats with these Bookish! Eurystheus sent Heracles on 12 thought to be a thousand year killing spree of!... A cat-shaped birthmark or transfer its face to the goddess cat was considered to be lucky in Japan, compared... A female goddess accompanied by black cats that the cat was highly admired and respected.Bastet was worshipped as familiar. From Apollo and a bronze club, Heracles strangled the lion ’ s ex-wife,,... From Hinduism, Buddhism, and strength Lads to sea monsters, has... Though we may no longer recognize it, our 21st century culture replete! And some are cat actors were despised by the Church been fascinated by cats with servants, spending rest!