Knowing how to take care of a poinsettia plant can mean years of growth and blooming. Watering a Poinsettia Plant. Next, check to see if the small yellow flowers are still on the plant. The poinsettia plants you purchase during the holiday season have been forced into bloom by growers in time for the festivities. Follow these tips to keep them looking healthy throughout the holiday season! First, let’s start with how to care for poinsettias during their “blooming” season. And that all begins with knowing a little about the plant, and it’s blooming cycle. Poinsettia Plant Care Tips. Poinsettia Plant. If you live in a place with mild winters, you can plant the poinsettia … Keep out of temperature extremes and drafts. But let me tell you, when Poinsettia plants are actively growing, they do best in slightly moist soil. Poinsettias have been through it all before they even get into your hands and find a place in your home. I watered them when soil feel dry in touch. Although it is a succulent, poinsettia does like a reasonable amount of moisture. Plant care for poinsettia flowers or Euphorbia pulcherrima. Not only have I been able to keep live poinsettia plants healthy during the Christmas season, but I’ve also kept them going from year to year. If they don’t get it, you’ll likely see them last only a fraction as long as they should. The poinsettia plant is a small tree or shrub and can grow up to 2-13 feet high. Make sure to thoroughly soak it each time. If you want your plant to “bloom” throughout the holiday season, be sure to select a plant with bracts that are fresh and bold. Breeders are bringing us more varieties each year, different color combinations to add even more interest to the Christmas plant. Simply plant the cuttings in rich soil and watch them grow. Place Poinsettia plants in bright, indirect light. I’m sad to say I always just threw the poinsettia plant in the compost heap after its pretty leaves and flowers fell off. It will need watering at least once a week over summer (more often in pots, or when it’s very hot and dry). Try to keep the temperature around 70°F (21°C), and make sure it never gets colder than 50°F (10°C) since it's leaves could fall off if it gets too cold. For continual bloom of your poinsettia care following Christmas, the plant also needs day temps between 65 and 70 degrees F. (18 and 21 C.) and slightly cooler at night, though keep it above 60 F. (15 C.) to avoid leaf drop. Poinsettias are typically grown and sold as annuals, however you can grow poinsettias year after year. This plant should not be fertilised while flowering. If you want to keep it, you can do so. Look for plants with healthy, dark green foliage. Choose plants that appear strong and healthy. How can you maintain the stunning coloration of your poinsettia plant? Just follow these simple rules: Light: Place your poinsettias in an area where they'll receive a minimum of six hours of bright (but not direct) sunlight each day. Poinsettia Plant Care. Poinsettia plants do well in loamy and well-draining soil. Learn How to grow Poinsettia plant, poinsettia care, Growing Poinsettia and more about plants in this article. Poinsettia Plant Care. Avoid temperatures under 12 degrees Celsius (53 degrees Fahrenheit). To make sure your Poinsettia or Christmas plant, is healthy until spring, you can prune it to a height of 20 cm (8" approx.) Care and Maintenance Below are some of the most useful tips to ensure the tip-top shape of your poinsettia: If the bracts have fallen, this is an indication that it is about time to discard the plant. The shoots you prune, can be used to plant new poinsettia plants. Be sure to wear protective gloves when pruning, as the branches can ooze a white sap that may cause skin irritation. Keeping Poinsettia Plants Beautiful In Season. #6. But still I found upper new … Poinsettias care isn't very difficult, but there are few things to know about these Christmas favourites to help them last longer. For most plants, I say let the top of the soil completely dry out before you water again. Know your plant. Poinsettias need bright filtered light or set on a windowsill where they can get plenty of sunshine. (1) Purchase healthy plants. The poinsettia plant has come to represent the holiday season in much of the world. Poinsettia Care Tips Start By Selecting A Quality Plant. But you can actually keep poinsettia plants for years. Consider the following poinsettia care tips to enjoy the beauty of your plant all winter long. Poinsettia plant care is relatively easy. Winter Rose Poinsettia Care & Growing Guide 1. But these festive plants, which range from the traditional red to pale yellow, can be a mystery when it comes to care and maintenance. It took a few years, and quite a few innocent plants, before I got the hang of poinsettia plant care. The Poinsettia plant is a commercially important plant.The plant is native to Mexico and there are over 100 cultivated varieties. The Winter Rose Poinsettia does best in light that is indirect and bright but no direct sun. Check out more descriptions and pictures of different poinsettias here at Colorful Poinsettia Plants that Pop. To keep your poinsettia healthy and beautiful for a long time, you have to consider just a few tips and tricks For example, set it near a sunny window facing east or west. Look for potting soil with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5. Poinsettia plant care is relatively easy. Starting from spring, Poinsettia plants will … When you water your Poinsettia, use tepid water as to not shock your plant … Poinsettia Plant Care Keep your Poinsettia plant near a sunny window where it will have the most available sunlight. Poinsettia “blooms” are actually bracts, and not a flower at all. Make sure to thoroughly soak it each time. POINSETTIA CARE TIPS. Only water Poinsettias when the soil feels dry to the touch and to avoid root rot, do not let the pot stand in water. Best Growing Conditions for Your Poinsettia Plant . Poinsettia care is easy throughout the holidays. Although it is a succulent, poinsettia does like a reasonable amount of moisture. Easy care in a warm part shaded position, the Poinsettia is a colourful foliage plant that commonly appearing at Christmas time. DON’T Put Your Poinsettia in a Drafty Spot. So this time I followed all Poinsettia care tips and put plant in window under shady place with enough light. You’d probably recognize this winter bloomer, which goes by the scientific name Euphorbia pulcherrima , after just a quick glance – they seem to be just about everywhere during the holidays, after all. A healthy, fresh Poinsettia plant will last longer. Check for signs of insects by looking at the underside of the foliage and avoid plants whose leaves are spotted or yellow. Remove the foil wrapper that many poinsettias come with, or at least poke holes in the foil wrapper to allow excess moisture to drain out of the plant’s container. A window that faces south, east or west is the best location to place your Poinsettia. The tender leaves and bracts wilt in windy conditions, so keep your plant away from open windows, forced-air registers, and fans. To care for a poinsettia, first, choose a spot where your poinsettia can get 6 hours of indirect sunlight each day. 2. Yes, it is part of the Euphorbia genus with very poisonous plants such as the Euphorbia tirucalli or Pencil Cactus, that can cause blindness. Remember, the red colour of the poinsettia is … Poinsettias are absolutely everywhere during the holidays, and for good reason! The shrubs were once considered weeds in Mexico. Poinsettia plants are native to Mexico, where they can grow up to 16 feet (4.9 m) tall. It will need watering at least once a week over summer (more often in pots, or when it’s very hot and dry). This can be an issue especially since they bloom during the winter. Poinsettia (botanical name: Euphorbia pulcherrima) are a native plant of Mexico, where the plant is a flowering shrub that will grow 10-15 feet tall. Water when the soil dries about one-half its depth. Temperature: These plants prefer temperatures from 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and from 60 to 65 degrees at night. and care for it as if it was a green plant.You can even leave it outdoors when temperatures are mild. It is important that you never over-water this plant. Poinsettias like a lot of light, preferably sunlight. The container in which you want to plant your Poinsettia should have a hole in the bottom, as it will improve drainage. It is particularly well known for its red and green foliage and is widely used in Christmas, floral displays. If you thought that all Poinsettia plants had red flowers then think again. Hi, I love this plant and trying to grow Poinsettia from last 3 years but they died every year. Always allow the top layer to drive out 50% before you … Care After Christmas . Here are some tips on poinsettia care that can help extend those blooms as long as possible — and maybe even encourage your poinsettia to bloom again next year. Watering, lighting and re-blooming your flowering poinsettia plants. Light Requirement. Light. Poinsettia. They're beautiful, festive, and easy to take care of. Care Tips. Is it possible to revive the flower once it begins to fade? The red “petals” we prize are actually leaflike bracts surrounding small, cup-shaped yellow blooms, although the bracts last longer than the tiny flowers. Your poinsettia should receive at least six hours of light each day, whether it receives sunlight or artificial light. The poinsettia actually gets it top leaf color from bracts, like these white one on this gorgeous plant. Poinsettia, pronounced “poyn-set-ee-uh,” or just as commonly, “poyn-set-uh,” is a popular holiday plant, used in particular to decorate during the Christmas season. Many people buy poinsettia plants to decorate for Christmas and aren't sure how to care for them when the red leaves fall away. Taking care of your poinsettia With proper care, your poinsettia will last through the holiday season and right into late winter. During fall or late winter, cut old growth to encourage a strong new growth next spring. At this time, decrease watering and position it in in a cool and dark area. Water. 1. Play close attention to the following tips: Place in a room where there is bright natural light but not where the sun will shine directly on the plant. Poinsettia care is therefore not as dangerous as some people might think as there are rumours that this plant is supposed to be highly toxic which it is not. Sunlight should be available for the Poinsettia for at least five hours a day. 10 Ways to Maintain a Happy, Healthy Poinsettia.